01. LIGHTHEADED: “Dawn Hush Lullaby” (2024)
02. LIGHTHEADED: “Moments Notice” (2024)
03. R.E. SERAPHIN: “Ens Of The Start” (2024)
04. AUTOCAMPER: “Blanche” (2024)
05. OORT CLOD: “Car Talk” (2024)
06. OH BOLAND: “Here Comes The Order Of Malta” (2024)
07. MOTORISTS: “Phonebooth In The Desert Of The Mind” (2024)
08. MOTORISTS: “Call Control” (2024)
09. JOHNNIE CARWASH: “Sunshine” (2024)
10. JOHNNIE CARWASH: “I’m A Mess” (2024)
11. THE WENDY DARLINGS: “Ridicule” (2024)
12. SPECIAL FRIEND: “Paints A Picture” (2024)
Espai de pop independent condu茂t per Gerard Carceller.